
Proteins are made of animal and plant matter.  They are called growth food, because they acts as a building material for our body. They are involved not only in the renewal and growth of muscle mass, but also in the growth of hair, nails, skin and brain.

Protein is responsible for:

  • Reinforces the immunity system in our bodies. The antibodies that perform the protective function consist of proteins. When our bodies are depleted from carbohydrates proten is used as an energy source at 4 kcal (kilo calories).
  • Regulates the metabolism of the hormonal and nervous systems.
  • During the digestion process, proteins break down into amino acids.

Every day our body needs 22 amino acids for normal functioning. 13 of the amino acids the body can produce on its own. The remaining 9 (also known as the essential amino acids) we should be getting with food.

It is incredibly important to get enough protein and as diverse as possible.  We all know that protein is found in fish, meat, cottage cheese, eggs but do not forget about nuts, seeds, seafood, potatoes, soybeans, broccoli and many more.
Protein also contributes to a slower fall and a rise in blood sugar. It is highly recommended to ingest a diverse combination of proteins in each meal. As a result you’ll keep feeling full for longer – and thereby not taking unnecessary unhealthy snacks. But also do not forget that over-eating protein is also not good.

Excessive protein ingestion, leads to an increase in the load on the digestive system and can causes bloating and prolonged digestion time.

On the opposite end of the scale with insufficient amounts of protein, the human performance is reduced, the immune system has less ability to fight against infections. Other effects that are visible are memory loss, weakening of mental capabilities, cellulite formation, looseness and flabbiness of muscles and skin, reduced function of menstrual cycle and ability to become pregnant.

In conclusion let me remind you once again, that consumption should be moderate and as diverse as possible for the best possible health outcome.