
Embrace the


high-intensity interval training: physical training that consists of short periods of intense (= very energetic) exercise with short periods of rest in between: Use HIIT as part of your cardio routine.

Exercise programs for HIIT

The following training programs are all tailored towards different workouts. All exercises are done for x amount of exercise seconds right after each other. Then followed by x amount of resting seconds. See the videos for each program. It is highly recommended to use an app to time everything for you. Any interval app can be used but personally I use “Tabata Timer:Interval Timer” which can be found on both Android Play Store and iOS App Store

The advantage of this app is the ease of use and how clear it is to hear the timer even when playing background music.

Full Body Workout

Exercise Rotation

X Jumps
Squat with calf raise
Walking Lunges

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.

Full Body Workout 2

Exercise Rotation

Pencil jack
Weighted lunges
Plank shoulder touch
Triceps raise
Sit in squat

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.

Upper Body Core Workout

Exercise Rotation

Jumping jacks
Push up on knees
Slow bicycle

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.

Upper Body Core Workout 2

Exercise Rotation

Weight russian twist
left side plank
Right side plank
Lateral raise
Dumbell fly chest
Bend over row

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.

Hips & Gluts Workout

Exercise Rotation

Squat with calf raise
Ice skater
Glut Bridge
Squat jumps
Reverse lunges

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.

Gluts & Legs Workout

Exercise Rotation

Squat jumps
Weight lunges
Weight sumo squat
Plank leg lift
Weight squat press

Guidance & Advisory

some random text comes here.