
In regards to cellulite issues – all women face them. It doesn’t matter if you are slender or not. young or old, fit or not – all women have cellulite issues at some point in their life. Even people engaged in sports since childhood.

As we see cellulite has no age but does have sex. Mainly women suffer from this.
When men have a stage of obesity or problems with hormones, then cellulite appears in some localised places. But men still not face cellulite issues like women.

There are 4 stages of cellulite.

The first and second stage are quite easy to correct with the help of proper nutrition and increased physical activity in affected areas. To further lessen the issues, you can take sessions of anti-cellulite massage.

The third stage is already clearly visible without squeezing the skin. In this case, it will take time and dedication to remove, or lower the visibility of the cellulite. It is all the same procedures as in the second and first stages. But will take longer time to accomplish.

The fourth stage is considered to be heavy cellulite coverage. At this point, cellulite masses needs to be treated in a medical facility.

How to prevent?
In the case of cellulite it is really a lot easier to prevent than to fight if after it shows. Remember that the minimum stage of “orange peel toned skin” is present for all women, but you can avoid worsening the situation with proper nutrition, mandatory exercise and home skin care. For example, scrubs made of coffe is a good fit- it tones the skin and improves blood supply in the problem area. Honey massage is also quite good.

Take care of what are you eating. No fast food, sugar should be kept to a minimum. Trans fats typically found in fried cooked food should be avoided. Drink more water and don’t miss the opportunity to move and be active. Buy a regular massage cream and massage yourself for 10-20 min every day. This enhances blood flow and liquid movement.

Don’t sit in one position for too long a time. Stand up and do some squats every 20 min 10-20 squats. Stop smoking. Nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, prevent oxygen from being delivered to cells and primarily prevents fat burning. Cigarettes also desroy vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that helps your skin on a massive scale.

These small tips helps you in every day efforts to avoid cellulite build-up in your body. It will also affect the tone, tightness and the ability to regenerate and keep your youthful look.